Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Diary Entry #10: My Aching Head

24th of Morning Star, 4E 202

A major regret I have about becoming a werewolf is that I never have truly restful sleep. It makes it considerably more difficult to deal with stress.

EsbernDelphine asked me to find her colleague Esbern, who had been hiding in the Ratway Warrens. I had to fight through perhaps a dozen Thalmor to find him. It was a colossal headache to convince him that I wasn’t a Thalmor agent about to kill him. Stars and stones, and I thought Pelagius was paranoid.

Once I broke through his paranoia and fatalism though, he turned out to be a fascinating man. I enjoyed conversing with him about Akaviri history on the way to Riverwood. I just wish he had been willing to wear some armor during our journey.

Blood SealOnce Esbern and Delphine were reunited, we traveled together to find Sky Haven Temple, and ancient Blades base inside Karthspire cavern. 

Somehow, I doubt the appearance of a dragon outside of Karthspire was a coincidence. As if the Forsworn weren’t enough.

Inside were more Forsworn and booby-trap puzzles, ending in a blood seal only the blood of a Dragonborn could unlock.

As Esbern predicted, inside the temple was Alduin’s Wall, a large stone relief depicting the history and prophecy of Alduin and the Dragonborn. To Delphine’s chagrin, we learned the Tongues used an unknown Shout to defeat the World-Eater.

I didn’t see a problem with asking Arngeir about this Shout, but Delphine certainly did. She believes the Greybeards refrain from using their power because they’re afraid of that power. She also claimed they were afraid of me.

I wish I knew what led her to feel so bitter towards the Greybeards, but I’m willing to speculate that it was similar to what led Arngeir to feel bitter towards the Blades. Just when I thought I found someone without a bias or an agenda.

By the time I convinced Arngeir that I needed this Shout to stop Alduin, I was ready to thrust my head into a snowdrift to ease the throbbing pain. He taught me the Clear Skies Shout, and with it I ascended the mountain and met the leader of the Greybeards, Paarthurnax. In retrospect, I should’ve know he was a dragon. Delphine isn’t going to like this.


Paarthurnax told me that he didn’t know the Shout, called Dragonrend, but there was a way I could learn it. It’ll require me to find an Elder Scroll, which he’ll use to cast me back to when Alduin was first defeated, allowing me to speak with the three Tongues who first used Dragonrend.

And that has led me to my current bureaucratic absurdity. Kethrina found an Elder Scroll five months ago, which she left at the Blue Palace. I know for a fact that the Legion has possession of that scroll. I personally asked General Tullius to borrow it, and I fully explained why I need it, but he refused to allow me to have it.

Shor’s bones, what I am supposed to do now?

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